Lewis Online Learning

The Methodist Class Leader

Note: If you are already enrolled in the course, please log in. LOG IN
Are you enrolling as a member of a group or will you enroll independently? If a judicatory or denominational leader arranged for you to enroll in this course, you will need the group code to begin.

Group Member Enrollees

Begin with your email address and group code. Using the code will include you in your group. Some groups provide full or partial payment of the cost of the course. If the group has requested a copy of your CEU, it will be sent upon completion. If you are a group member and you do not have your group code, please notify the person who directed you to enroll or contact the Lewis Center.
My group code:
Email address:
Confirm email:
Click the "Enroll Now" button to land on the "Account information" page. If this is your first Lewis Online Learning course, you will need to create a password. Your email address and password are your unique credentials to sign in to Lewis Online Learning courses.

Independent Enrollees

Enter and confirm your email address, which will be used to log on.
Email address:
Confirm email:
Click the "Enroll Now" button to land on the "Account information" page. If this is your first Lewis Online Learning course, you will need to create a password. Your email address and password are your unique credentials to sign in to Lewis Online Learning courses.

Lewis Center for Church Leadership

Copyright ©2025 Lewis Center for Church Leadership | All right reserved
Lewis Center for Church Leadership is part of Wesley Theological Seminary
Email: lewiscenter@wesleyseminary.edu
4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202-664-5700
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